The factors that contributed to your challenge are unique, and so is your journey to feeling well again
Functional medicine is rooted in the science of epigenetics. Meaning, the environment with which we live overtly affects our genetic expression. Even in light of a genetic predisposition, we can use this understanding to influence whether or not genes are activated or deactivated. The factors affecting our environment are more encompassing than some people think, and include everything from the food we eat to the thoughts we think.
What messages about your environment are being sent to your body?
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.’”
~ Audrey Hepburn
How to Identify and overcome the Root Causes of your Dis-ease
Longer appointments times allow me the space to glean key insights for your unique case and support you to implement a customized plan
Targeted research on your behalf helps me to puzzle piece your dynamic back to its root so you can get well…for real
The biochemical pillars of health can be quantified with basic labwork from your primary care physician, as well as functional lab testing for extensive and comprehensive data as to how the systems of your body are functioning
The neuro-somatic pillars of health address your perception of life experiences as a contributing factor to your physiological state. I will share with you tools to extract your belief systems (without going into the dark place) to fine tune your internal environment so it can work for you
With education, coaching, and support you will understand how the pieces of your unique puzzle fit together, and how you can make significant change. The support I provide helps you to achieve your goals, and the education helps you sustain them
You show up fully with a commitment to creating a healthier version of yourself, and to use life’s challenges as opportunities to learn and grow